Advanced and sustainable technologies for automotive industry innovation
- ISBN digital: 9786559396153
- ISBN impresso: 9786559396160
- DOI: 10.31560/pimentacultural/2022.96153
Autora: Ingrid Winkler Organizers: Thiago Barros Murari, Lilian Lefol Nani Guarieiro, Alex Álisson Bandeira Santos, Cristiane Carla Gonçalves
The automotive industry has always relied on innovation to drive its growth, with Ford Motor Company at the forefront of this transformation. Today, digital transformation is a key focus, with technologies such as AI, big data, and blockchain being used to improve personalized user experiences, develop connected and autonomous vehicles, optimize supply chains, and transform manufacturing processes. The Master's Program in Technology and Innovation - MTI, offered in partnership between SENAI CIMATEC and Ford, aims to provide professionals with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in this rapidly changing industry. Through independent research projects and practical experience, the program develops critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and enables professionals to build relationships with key players in the automotive industry. I hope you have great insights to solve your day-to-day challenges when reading this book.
Rodrigo Leite
Alexandre Machado
Rodrigo Leite
Alexandre Machado
Chapter 1
Dataset creation for traffic sign detection
Vanessa Ferreira Dalborgo
Roberto Monteiro
Thiago B. Murari
Vitor Magno Bezerra
Renato Silva Fagundes
Vinícius Souza Madureira
Chapter 2
Technological roadmap of types of battery thermal management system and their applications in the brazilian electrified passenger vehicles automarket
Artur Sales Carlos Maia de Amorim
Dr. Fernando Luiz Pellegrini Pessoa
Dr. Ewerton Emmanuel da Silva Calixto
Chapter 3
A new approach to use emotions recognition for vehicle security
Paulo Roberto Tavares Oliveira
Herman Augusto Lepikson
Chapter 4
Enhancement of mechanical properties of polypropylene nanocomposites with the incorporation of graphene in lightweight automotive parts
Ricardo Ferreira Cavalcanti de Albuquerque
Prof. Dra. Lilian Lefol Nani Guarieiro
Dra. Cristiane Carla Gonçalves
Dr. Rodrigo Denizarte de Oliveira Polkowski
Bruna Farias de Bortoli
Monique Camille Rodrigues Camargo
Chapter 5
Development of polypropylene composites reinforced with piassava fiber
Fabio Ferreira Bomfim
Willams Teles Barbosa
Vinicius Pires de Oliveira
Rodrigo Denizarte de Oliveira Polkowski
Luciano Pisanu
Josiane Dantas Viana Barbosa
Chapter 6
Determinants of the spread of vehicle electrification and directions for the brazilian market
Flavio Garcia de Oliveira Soares Filho
Paulo Soares Figueiredo
Rodrigo Santiago Coelho
Lis Lisboa Bernardino
Xisto Lucas Travassos Junior
Chapter 7
The opinion of customers contributing to improvements in products and processes of the company: a study of case in the automotive industry
Ricardo de Oliveira Silva
Francisco Uchoa Passos
Chapter 8
Towards an immersive product development process: opportunities and challenges for the automotive industry
Ingrid Winkler
Adailton Gonçalves da Silva
Alexandre Costa Henriques
Fabio Vinicius de Freitas
Marcus Vinicius Mendes Gomes
Chapter 9
Assistive technology in automobiles: a project methodology proposal for product development teams
Rosemeire do Carmo Furtado
Camila de Sousa Pereira-Guizzo
Xisto Lucas Travassos Junior
Chapter 10
A proposed list of requirements related to the implementation of shared autonomous vehicles in urban areas
Raufi Francisco Stella
Profª. Drª. Camila de Sousa Pereira Guizzo
Prof. Dr. Xisto Lucas Travassos
Chapter 11
Augmented reality head-up display interfaces for advanced driver assistance systems: a reference architecture
Ronaldo Pereira Evangelista
Ingrid Winkler
Marcelo Albano Moret Simões Gonçalves
Flavio Fabrício Ventura de Melo Ferreira
About the authors
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