Está na hora! Publique o seu livro.

Publique sua Obra com facilidade e segurança na Editora Pimenta Cultural.

Avaliação gratuita e publicação flexível.

Send us your original for evaluation. Simply fill in the form below and attach the text you wish to publish.

Return of evaluation
within 15 days.

We publish: literary texts (any genre), monographs, dissertations, theses, articles by research groups and university projects.

After analysis, if your text meets Pimenta Cultural’s editorial requirements, we will make you an offer to publish it. We work with easy payments of up to 10x without interest.

Pimenta Cultural will keep your research and the data requested on the registration form completely confidential.

The text must be unpublished, i.e. it must not have been published by another publisher in book format.

Your work can be published in eBook and print formats from one unit.

The works are sold in the largest online stores in Brazil:, Casas Bahia, Carrefour, Extra, Magalu, PontoFrio, Submarino, Shoptime, Mercado Livre and Um Livro.

The digital works are 100% available on the following platforms: Pimenta Cultural, Google Books, Google Play, Google Scholar,, Open Library, OpenAire, REDIB, Zenodo, Scribd, Skoob, among others that the publisher considers important. We also distribute to university libraries online. We have more than 6,000 research authors in Brazil and abroad.

National and international sales: we have worldwide distribution of the printed book. In this way, his work can be found around the world in more than 40,000 marketplaces and catalogs of physical bookstores. Among them: Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes&Noble, Garders, Hachette Book Group, Ingram, Kobo, Libri, Scribd and others. Printing is done on demand from the moment of sale.

Thank you for your interest in publishing with Pimenta Cultural and we wish you success from now on. Now just fill in the form below and wait for us to get back to you. Good luck!

Any doubts? Call us on WhatsApp:
(11) 96766-2200.

* Please do NOT write everything in ALL CAPS.

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