Publish your Open Access Book with high graphic quality.

Pimenta Cultural and bring your project to life with excellence.

Publish your Open Access Book with a team that has over 12 years of experience in the free sharing of knowledge under Creative Commons licenses and digital books in Open Access. At Pimenta Cultural Brazilian academic publisher, we guarantee high graphic quality, impeccable finishing, and excellent printing. Our graphic design is the best among Brazilian academic publishers, with covers featuring bold, modern, and distinctive designs. We offer economical plans and global distribution for your work.

Mão de mulher digitando em notebook. Publique seu livro. Editora acadêmica.

Send your original

Send your text for analysis and quotation.

Logomarca editora acadêmica Pimenta Cultural.

Scientific Council

Meet the members of our Scientific Editorial Board.

At Pimenta Cultural, we offer the option of publishing bilingual books, where the content is presented in two languages, either side by side or in separate sections. This format is ideal for works aiming to reach an international audience or promote linguistic accessibility.

We provide personalized service, giving authors direct access to our editors. From start to finish, we manage and oversee every stage of your book’s publication, ensuring meticulous attention to detail at each step. Our team offers comprehensive support throughout the entire publishing process.

Discover some of our editorial stages

  • Contract: After approving the proposal and confirming the investment, we proceed with the contract to publish your book with us.
  • Proofreading and Grammar Review: You may choose an external proofreader at your discretion or work with our professional team. We correct language, punctuation, and grammar errors, ensuring clarity and accuracy.
  • Editing: You may complete this stage yourself if you deem it necessary, or you can opt for our editing services. During this process, we refine the text’s style, improving its flow and cohesion to ensure a smooth, enjoyable reading experience.
  • Formatting and Standardization: You may select an external reviewer or use our professional services for this stage. We ensure your text conforms to ABNT, APA, or Vancouver standards.
  • Text Translation: Our professional translators specialize in the target language, maintaining fidelity to the original content, and the author’s style, and culturally adapting the language to the new audience.
  • Typesetting: We develop the internal layout of your book, focusing on creating an attractive and functional visual presentation.
  • Graphic Design: We create custom covers and designs that are aligned with the content and target audience of your book.
  • Proof Review: We thoroughly review the formatted proof and send it to you for final review and approval. This step is crucial to ensure the final quality of your publication.
  • ISBN and DOI Registration: We handle the formal registration of your book and the acquisition of the ISBN.
  • Cataloging-in-Publication (CIP): Our certified librarian prepares the cataloging information for your book, in compliance with CRB regulations.
  • Printing: We print your book with high graphic quality and impeccable finishing, starting from a single unit. Our printing services are dedicated and specialized in all book formats.
  • Global Distribution: We offer global distribution across digital and print platforms, ensuring visibility in all markets.


Publish your open access book or printed book

Prices apply to research, academic and literary texts with the publisher’s standard graphic design.
The project includes a personalized cover and artwork for each work.

Table not valid for children’s books, textbooks and special layout.

For special projects, please contact us for an analysis and quotation.

Check out the OA Books fees for each category of publication at the end of the table.

Validity: until January 2024. Values listed in USD and EUR.

Light eBook
Printed Light
eBook + Printed Light
eBook Qualis Books
eBook + Printed Qualis Books PoD
Cover design (1)
Diagramming (2)
Image Bank (3)
Catalogue CIP
ISBN digital book
ISBN print book
DOI for OA Book
DOI per chapter (4)
1 DOI every 15 pages.
1 DOI every 15 pages.
Table of contents
Tables, graphs and images (5)
Internal and external links
Metadata and indexers
OA Book
OA Book on the Pimenta Cultural website
OA Book on Google Books
OA Book on Google Play
OA Book on Google Scholar
OA Book on
OA Book on OpenAire
OA Book in the Open Library
OA Book on Scribd
OA Book on Skoob
OA Book on Zenodo
Physical book for sale on national marketplaces
Physical book for sale by catalog in physical bookstores
Physical book for sale by International Direct Link (6)
Physical book for sale +40,000 international marketplaces (7)
Charge apply
Charge apply
Charge apply
Printing from a book on demand (8)
Copies printed for the author (9)
Print on demand
Print on demand
Print on demand
Promotion on social networks
Monthly launch newsletter
Proofreading of spelling, grammar and ABNT standards
Charge apply
Charge apply
Charge apply
Charge apply
Charge apply
Charge apply
Artwork for personalized promotion: 2 social media cards, 1 artwork for a physical banner, 1 release of up to 2 pages. (10)
€ 90
€ 90
€ 90
€ 90
€ 90
€ 90
Marketing: other parts and action plans
Charge apply
Charge apply
Charge apply
Charge apply
Charge apply
Charge apply
Light eBook
Printed Light
eBook + Printed Light
eBook Qualis Books
eBook + Printed Qualis Books PoD
Up to 50 pages
€ 340
$ 378
€ 370
$ 412
€ 448
$ 499
€ 394
$ 438
€ 497
$ 554
€ 679
$ 756
Up to 80 pages
€ 368
$ 410
€ 403
$ 449
€ 478
$ 533
€ 423
$ 471
€ 529
$ 589
€ 736
$ 820
Up to 100 pages
€ 397
$ 442
€ 436
$ 485
€ 509
$ 567
€ 452
$ 503
€ 561
$ 625
€ 794
$ 884
Up to 150 pages
€ 426
$ 474
€ 469
$ 522
€ 540
$ 601
€ 481
$ 535
€ 593
$ 661
€ 851
$ 948
Up to 200 pages
€ 455
$ 506
€ 501
$ 558
€ 571
$ 636
€ 510
$ 567
€ 624
$ 695
€ 909
$ 1.012
Up to 250 pages
€ 483
$ 538
€ 534
$ 595
€ 601
$ 670
€ 539
$ 600
€ 656
$ 730
€ 966
$ 1.076
Up to 300 pages
€ 512
$ 570
€ 565
$ 629
€ 631
$ 703
€ 568
$ 632
€ 686
$ 764
€ 1.024
$ 1.140
Up to 350 pages
€ 541
$ 602
€ 598
$ 666
€ 660
$ 735
€ 597
$ 664
€ 716
$ 797
€ 1.081
$ 1.204
Up to 400 pages
€ 570
$ 634
€ 630
$ 702
€ 691
$ 770
€ 626
$ 697
€ 745
$ 830
€ 1.139
$ 1.268
Up to 450 pages
€ 598
$ 666
€ 663
$ 739
€ 721
$ 803
€ 655
$ 729
€ 775
$ 863
€ 1.196
$ 1.332
Up to 500 pages
€ 627
$ 698
€ 696
$ 775
€ 750
$ 835
€ 684
$ 761
€ 806
$ 898
€ 1.254
$ 1.396


  • Pimenta Cultural offers flexible payment options, accepting public funds and providing installment plans.
  • PayPal link available for credit card payment.
  • Payments via bank transfer are available with a discount. Contact us for personalized proposals and details.


The maximum deadline for publishing the work is 6 months from the date of delivery of all the material for editing.
Shorter deadlines should be consulted and agreed upon before signing the publishing contract.

The finished text (proofread and formatted in Word) must be sent by the author within 90 (ninety) calendar days of the contract being signed. For longer deadlines, please contact us.


* ePub: we work with other publishing plans in ePub format. These formats can be sold on platforms such as Amazon, for example, with 100% of the sales going to the author. We provide a Manual so that the author can enter the book for sale on the Portal directly in their registration.

(1) In these Economic Plans, a cover option is created from the references sent by the authors in our publication form in the most complete way possible. Specific adjustments can be made to the artwork.

(2) The Economic Plans provide for the layout of the entire text (titles, quotations, references, paragraphs, among others), creation and graphic design using a unique and exclusive template pre-defined by the Pimenta Cultural publishing house.

(3) We provide a Bank Image, free of charge for the author, to search for and indicate the image that best represents their work. Based on the chosen image, our art department creates the graphic design and cover art. The cover is sent to the author for checking and approval. These packages include the production of a cover proposal, by sending the references, and, if necessary, the author can request specific adjustments.

(4) DOI registration for the work and per chapter (in the case of an organized work), with one DOI registration for every 15 pages. Example: 300-page text divided by 15 pages = a total of 20 DOI units. For longer DOIs, please consult the prices;

(5) The Economic Plan includes the layout of 20% of the total text pages containing tables, images and graphs. Example: 200 pages of which 20% = 40 elements. Larger quantities, please consult.

(6) International Direct Link: the sale of copies via international Direct Link has no additional costs.

(7) Global distribution: sold in more than 40,000 marketplaces and in catalogs of international physical bookstores. Among them: Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes&Noble, Garders, Hachette Book Group, Ingram, Kobo, Libri, Scribd and others. In this modality, only a proof printing cost is applied, which will be applied after the work has been indexed. This mandatory cost passed on by the partner refers to the printing of a proof copy, postage, international taxes and duties. The exact amount can only be informed when the work is ready and indexed in the Direct Link and will be informed to the author so that they can accept or refuse the Global Distribution.

(8) We print from one copy in the Printing on Demand (PoD) system. We print any quantity at printing houses specializing in book publishing. We don’t work with fast printers.

(9) We print the works in any format and in the desired quantity. If the author requests printing at the printer’s direct price, 10 copies should be enough. Below this amount, only in the PoD system. For these promotional packages, the format is as follows: 14×21.6cm closed, cover in supreme 300g with 4×0 colors (color cover), 7x7cm book flap, matte bopp lamination (front), 75g offset with 1×1 color (printing in black and white color), pur glue, refile.

(10) Artwork for personalized promotional pieces: 2 social media cards, 1 artwork for banner, 1 release of up to 2 pages. The release will be sent to the author and published on the publisher’s website and sent to our database of university. Investment: consult the table above. We also carry out broader marketing plans with other promotional pieces, videos and various actions. Prices on request.

(11) When calculating pages, consider the text in Word A4 format, 1.5 spacing, Times or Arial 12 font, right and top margins 2.5; left and bottom margins 3.0.

Once the contract has been signed, we will send you guidelines to help you organize the work.

For more information on distribution and sales, click here.

There is no limit to the number of organizers or authors per chapter.

We have professional proofreaders available on request for a quote. Spelling and grammar checks can be carried out by the author or contracted directly with the publisher at an additional investiment.