On the neglect of education
Ten years ago, Pimenta Cultural was born out of the desire and need to share knowledge among the various members of society, through the mediation of texts by authors/researchers among their peers, students and enthusiasts. Our aim is for the publishing house to become one of the many agents contributing to a fair, plural and critical society.
In view of this, we have a duty to take a stand against the constant attacks on areas that are essential for the citizenship and intellectual formation of individuals. The blocking of essential funds for the functioning of educational and research institutions, promoted by the current federal administration at the start of the campaign for the second round of the presidential election, is yet another outrage against society and the future of its citizens.
It is not new that we are witnessing the serious situation that our schools and universities are going through in the face of frequent budget blockages and attempts to dismantle education. Our public universities and our research are bleeding, neglect, embezzlement and political interests are showing themselves to be above social development.
We consider it unacceptable that private interests, in favor of a partisan agenda of dismantling institutions and power, should be listed as a priority.
The budget cuts amounted to R$2.4 billion at the end of September alone and threaten the discontinuation of public university services. The current cut represents 11.4% of expenditure already committed, approved and planned for the current year. We can see that the dismantling of education is already a recurring practice throughout this government, which disregards the construction of knowledge and scientific advances. The cut was published by the Federal Government in Decree 11.216, which amends Decree No. 10.961, of 11/02/2022, referring to the budget execution for this current year. The announcement was made through the Integrated Financial Administration System (Siafi).
What we may soon see is the closure of federal universities and institutes due to lack of operating conditions. These actions have a direct impact on the planning of the institutions, as well as any form of funding for basic expenses to pay for cleaning, security and suppliers in general, as well as expenses for educational and research projects under development.
The Ministry of Education’s total contingencies for this year have already amounted to more than R$10.5 billion. In these long years of government, we have watched in amazement as systematic actions have been taken to destabilize areas that are essential for the formation and generation of broad and emancipatory knowledge. We cannot stand by and accept the destruction of areas that have the potential to develop the country and broaden the knowledge of individuals.
In order to overcome this dark period towards a fair, dignified and truly citizen society, we need to invest in values that will lead us to live in harmony with the diversity of ideas and identities, where cultural plurality is respected and democracy prevails.
Profa. Dr. Patricia Bieging and Prof. Dr. Raul Inácio Busarello
Sources: Folha de S. Paulo, G1, ANDIFES, FURG, Sinpro DF, Planalto.gov (Presidency of the Republic).