We are classified as L1 in the evaluation of Capes Qualis Livros for the 2013-2016 period in the areas of Education and Environmental Sciences, see the report here.

We haven’t had access to the official reports for the other subject areas, but we can make simulations.


text on this link

we explain in detail how the Qualis Books evaluation works and what the competencies of each party are for a good qualification of the works by Capes.

The books published by Pimenta Cultural start from the minimum L3 stratum, due to the grades assigned to each criterion for classifying each work in the respective Qualis Books classification stratum. The strata assigned to the works are: L1 (high quality), L2, L3, L4, L5 (lower quality) and LNC. LNC “unclassified would be attributed to possible items included by the Programs, but which do not meet the requirements that define a book, and could be booklets, didactic material, etc.”.

We meet all the criteria for placing works in the highest stratum assigned by Capes. We carried out a simulation with our latest published works and topped 88 points. In this case, our works would be assigned stratum L1 (points simulation updated on 3/02/2020). However, the final evaluation of works published with us is carried out by the Capes Committee and not by the publisher. This is therefore just a scoring simulation for our authors’ knowledge.

Information from the “Qualis Livros” WG: Book Classification Proposal – Brasilia, 2019.

Item I: formal indicators of book quality.

Adherence to the PPG’s evaluation area and strategic institutional profile:

  • Language (national, foreign, multilingual)
  • Type of Publisher
  • Financing
  • Editorial Board
  • Information about the authors
  • Opinion and peer review
  • Table of contents
  • Link to research line

Additional points:

  • Awards
  • Indication as a reference work by scientific and/or professional societies
  • Translation of the work into other languages

Question II: set of indirect indicators of book quality.

  • Nature of the text (valorization of scientific production)
  • Preferred Reader (level of complexity in the treatment of themes)
  • Origin of the work (indicator of the articulated knowledge production network)

Question III: requires a complete reading of the work in the evaluation process.

  • Innovation
  • Relevance
  • Impact

For the evaluation to be carried out correctly, the PPG must send the following files of the work to the Capes systems:

  • Front and back cover
  • Table of contents
  • Preface / introduction
  • Summary
  • Editorial board
  • Letter if peer-reviewed
  • Presentation / author information
  • Awards
  • Bibliography
  • Financing, including a letter proving financing or an excerpt from the book
  • Two initial pages of each chapter (in the case of a collection) or two pages of the initial chapter and the final chapter (in the case of a complete work).

Score by Qualis Books stratum for publications made between 2017-2020:

L1 = above 85 points
L2 = from 71 to 84 points
L3 = from 61 to 70 points
L4 = from 51 to 60 points
L5 = up to 50 points

As Capes itself explains, the list of evaluations is not made public, but only serves to assess the PPGs. See the

Capes Book Classification Guide


According to Capes, “due to a technical-operational limitation, the classification of books is being used exclusively for the purposes of the evaluation process. In other words, the list of classified books is not being published at this time. The areas that use the classification of books for the Evaluation of Programs have carried out the procedure directly through the indicator notebooks, for the evaluation of Postgraduate Programs and/or specific spreadsheets and its dissemination has been intra-area, that is, directly to the programs.” Also, according to Capes, the institution “does not have a register of publishers nor does it evaluate their quality”.


Check out the full

CAPES Book Classification Proposal

– Brasilia, 2019.

The last important point to note is that Capes has not yet released or sent the book evaluation list to publishers or publicly on other platforms.

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